Monday 16 April 2012

Research: Sophie Calle

Sophie Calle is a French writer and artist, working in the fields of installation and conceptual art, she also regularly uses photography in her pieces. When I explained my initial idea it was suggested I look at her work for inspiration. 

Her 1979 book Suite VĂ©nitienne depicts a project consisting of (as descibed in Stuart Jeffries' 2009 article in The Guardian) Calle on a trip "to Venice to follow a man she had met at a party, [where she] phoned hundreds of hotels until she found out where he was staying, and then persuaded a woman who lived opposite to let her photograph his comings and goings from her window."

The INIVA website's DARE resource site describes her subsequent piece, 'The Hotel'.
"A year later she returned to Venice where she got a temporary job as a chambermaid. She made a piece of work about her imagined ideas of who the hotel guests were, based on their personal belongings."

It also includes a quote attributed to Calle where she further explains...
"For each room there was a photograph of the bed undone, of other objects in the room, and a description day by day of what I found there."

Picture 1 was found here.
Picture 2 was found here.

Although Calle's work is intriguing, and definitely something I can draw influence from, these particular projects of hers are too based in documentary of reality compared to what I want to do. I will have to look at someone whose work is based around constructing images that, whilst of potentially possible situations, does not rely entirely upon ideas of truth and being a record of actual happenings.

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