Tuesday 28 February 2012

Large Format Workshop

My first forays into learning large format was with 5x4 400 ISO film on a Field Camera that had been borrowed from the Photography Department.

We initially got to grips with the camera in the Large Format Workshop on the afternoon of the 23rd of February, however the dark slides we used were not the ones that had been loaded with film. So we returned on the 27th of February for another go.

This is a scan of the negative I produced on that day, it was exposed with the help of an external light meter.

As you can see, the focus was misjudged and is a little soft on the tombstone, which should have been the main focal point. It was quite a grey and overcast day, but the wide aperture was mostly an aesthetic choice.

I very much enjoyed the process of using such a large camera that produces so detailed a negative, however I am not sure I am particularly suited to working so slowly. I will probably try and get some more practice so I have at least achieved a negative that is in focus.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Medium Format Workshop

These are scans of some of the more successful images I shot, using one 400 ISO, 120 roll film on a Bronica ETR Series which I borrowed from the Photography Department. This was during the Medium Format Workshop on the 23rd of February. All were exposed with the help of an external light meter. Having never properly used a medium format camera unaided before, I was surprised by how simple this one was and I immediately became enamoured with it. I feel I will almost definitely use one for my final pictures for this project, ideas permitting.

The Photographic Artefact

This blog will be my reflective workbook for 'The Photographic Artefact' module and a journal of sorts displaying my progress over its course and the outcomes from any of the workshops I attend.